Where there is space, there is peace
Namaste- Michelle Doublet
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Where there is space, there is peace
Namaste- Michelle Doublet
Like a TREE
find your roots
bend in the wind.
+ Namaste +
My soul honors your soul.
I honor the place in you where
the entire universe resides.
I honor the light, love, truth,
beauty & peace within you,
because it is also within me.
In sharing these things
we are united, we are the same.
We are one.
You have a choice everyday, choose to put yourself in the way of beauty.
"Loka Samasta Sukhino Bhavantu.
May all beings everywhere
be happy and free
and may the thoughts, words,
and actions of my own life
contribute in some way
the the happiness and
to that freedom for all."
Long Island, New York