As we peel away the several layers of meaning and depth, I’d like to touch upon the fourth Yama (self-regulating behaviors involving our interactions with other people and the world at large) of Patanjali’s five yamas of the yoga sutras, Asteya | non-stealing.
As we practice Asteya on the mat & off, we are not just talking about physically non-stealing from mankind, but the act of falling into greed & cravings of artificial needs. What is the root cause of this? How do we end the suffering that arises from these desires, wants and needs that stem from feeling a 'lack' in life?
What goes on for you on your mat? Do you find yourself pushing & forcing asanas (poses) because you feel that you are not 'good enough'? ....That you can only be good if you get into 'that' pose?
Developing a sense of faith in ourselves, instead of trying to fill that 'emptyness', we practice self containment, we build a sense of abundance vs scarcity .
when we learn this, we realize that all we ever needed is already there. All that we have in ourselves is enough.....